With all the entertainment options available, I gotta go there and put my "25 cents" out in the world. BUT... you can visit my blog on Saturday, February 5th at High Noon to read my thoughts!

For your wedding or event, do you hire....
A Dj?

A Band?

Not this Dj or Band for obvious reasons lol, but you know what I be sayin' lol!
Tune in on Saturday for my thoughts of guidance or crazy talk. It depends on what perspective you come from. In fact, please share your thoughts on "the choice" below in the comments. I'm still drafting my ideas and yours might get quoted in the piece.
Again, the Million Dollar question: A Band or A Dj?
If you haven't done so already, please subscribe to my YOUTUBE page for videos, future live performances, and miscellaneous content by Soul Session, the band: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNZnrFWiOJKuWKtvcNz88Bw
Stay safe out.... with love, G
Follow us on Social Media:
Instagram: @garlandnelson | @soulsessionband
Twitter: @garlandnelson | @soulsessionband
Facebook: @garlandnelsonsoulist | @soulsessionband
Tumblr: @garlandnelson